Stargazing at Anzo-Borrego National Park, California

The Perseids Meteor Shower is one of the most impressing events nature can offer during the summer nights in the middle of August.

The comet Swift-Tuttle on his 133 year orbit passes near the Earth's path and leaves a trace of dust and particles that enters our planet's atmosphere creating this beautiful show. It is also a great opportunity to watch the stars.

On the 13th of August we drove to the desert in California to have a better view of this event and enjoy a night in the silent environment of the mountains.
My two friends and I planned this overnight trip a week earlier. We were lucky as the right conditions met to watch the stars.
New moon, clear skies and low light contamination were the main factors that made us decide about camping at Anzo-Borrego National Park, located near the border with Mexico.

These pictures taken on long exposure settings show the core of our galaxy, located at Sagittarius.

© Juan Manuel Abad Fernandez